SitaWare modules

Extend your C4ISR capabilities by adding specialised modules to your SitaWare suite

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The SitaWare modules are add-ons to our combat-proven SitaWare suite of products. They add extra features to the C4ISR solution, boosting operations across the entire battlespace – on land, at sea, in the air, or in the joint domain.

Below, we have outlined some of the modules that can be added to the SitaWare suite. Click on the images to explore how each of the SitaWare modules can help you further expand your command-and-control capabilities.

Explore the SitaWare modules

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us to hear how the SitaWare modules can be integrated into your SitaWare solution.

The SitaWare suite – a proven C2 product, right off the shelf

More than 50 defence forces worldwide have at least one thing in common. Within the past 25 years, they have all started using Systematic’s C4ISR solution: SitaWare. Watch the video to hear about the benefits that SitaWare brings to modern militaries – or click on the button to learn more about the SitaWare Suite solutions.

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