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August 19, 2019

Systematic features in the defence press


Media coverage includes the German Army’s selection of SitaWare Headquarters, developments in the eLearning domain, and an interview with Systematic’s Sven Trusch.


Jane’s International Defence Review reported on the German Army’s decision to equip its deployable command posts with SitaWare Headquarters, along with the initial fielding of the capability in support of the NATO Enhanced Forward Presence battlegroup in Lithuania.

Military Simulation & Training Magazine covered the development of a new eLearning package for SitaWare Headquarters. The solution enables distributed training to take place and is already in service with the German Army, providing an introduction to the C2 system.

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Europäische Sicherheit & Technik interviewed Vice President of Business Development, Sven Trusch. The article addresses such topics as the digitization of armed forces and the needs of the VJTF2023.

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