US Capitol Hill during the presidential inauguration
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April 7, 2021

Systematic SitaWare supports presidential inauguration perimeter security operations


Systematic, Inc. is proud to have successfully supported the US National Guard in perimeter security efforts during the recent presidential inauguration in Washington, D.C. using the Systematic SitaWare software suite. The software, enabled soldiers to visualize and monitor checkpoint areas and disposition resources accordingly.

“Security measures like those undertaken by local, state and federal agencies for the inauguration present unique challenges to commanders and their staffs who rely on timely information and shared situational awareness to make informed decisions,” said Systematic, Inc. President Rafael Torres, Jr. “SitaWare enabled the National Guard soldiers to relay pertinent information, to make smarter decisions more rapidly and to make better use of their resources. We are extremely pleased with how the software was utilized during this important event.”

Soldiers responsible for providing security at road checkpoints around the inauguration area used the SitaWare suite developed for command post, vehicle mounted and handheld applications. With the suite, they were able to seamlessly blend unit-reported information and open-source data to establish a digital Common Operational Picture of the security perimeter for improved situational awareness. Systematic, Inc. C2 subject experts, provided on-site training to soldiers.

SitaWare is currently being used by U.S. Army and National Guard units.

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