Cura Dialog ensures effective communication for citizens and relatives in Aalborg Municipality
Citizens and staff in the Senior Care and the Training and Rehabilitation sectors of Aalborg Municipality are pleased with the Cura Dialog solution, “Borgerbooking”. This solution lets citizens easily view and manage their appointments online, allowing them to book or cancel appointments digitally and thus have greater control over their care processes.
The ability to book and cancel appointments online is very popular among citizens, as it allows them to avoid waiting in telephone queues and the constraints of municipal office hours.
Statistics on Borgerbooking in Aalborg Municipality indicate that the cancellation feature is very popular among citizens.
"Allowing citizens to cancel appointments online is a major benefit," states Niels Rygaard, Head of IT and Digitalisation in Senior and Care Services at Aalborg Municipality.
The app allows citizens to conveniently book and cancel appointments with the municipality, independent of office hours or phone queues. This has significantly decreased the number of missed appointments.
"Citizens prefer the ability to book and cancel. The cancellations have decreased the number of no-shows and offer us valuable insights into their reasons."
Maria Mikkelsen, Digitalisation Consultant in Senior and Care Services, adds that citizens highly value the app’s capability to offer a digital overview of their appointments and care processes.
"The biggest benefits are the ability to cancel and book appointments and having knowledge of and reminders about upcoming appointments," says Maria Mikkelsen.
Relatives of the citizens can also use Borgerbooking on behalf of their loved ones, such as a spouse or parent, allowing them to be more actively involved in the care process. This helps relatives keep track of important appointments, such as when their parent has their next visit with the nurse or when to take a spouse to rehabilitation sessions.
"I tried it with my father, who is 93 years old and underwent rehabilitation last year. We could see when he had sessions, who was training him, and why. I think that, in itself, is excellent service."
Since the launch of Borgerbooking in January 2022, initially offered to a limited group of citizens, the number of users has steadily grown to approximately 800.
The municipality informed citizens about the app during contact with relevant departments and provided a pamphlet to help them get started.
"The target audience is quite diverse. Initially, we were worried that older users might struggle with the app, but the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. The oldest user we know is 93, and they reported no difficulties. The app is designed to be simple to use, and I believe the key factor is the willingness to try it"
The implementation has required adjustments to municipal workflows. For some staff, it added a new task; for others, it complemented their existing routines.
"Overall, staff see the potential in Borgerbooking, and their reception has been positive," says Maria Mikkelsen.
Both Niels and Maria recognise the solution’s significant potential. Future updates are anticipated to enhance its value for citizens.
"This area holds significant potential. Next year, we will introduce biometric login, allowing older citizens who find technology challenging to log in using fingerprints or facial recognition, simplifying the process."