Best ranked hospitals in Denmark use EHR from Systematic
The Central Denmark Region, which uses Systematic's electronic health record Columna, win all the titles for best ranked hospitals in Denmark, writes Dagens Medicin.
Dagens Medicin’s annual election of the best hospitals in Denmark appears similar to previous years with great rankings for the Hospitals in the Central Denmark Region.
Region Hospital Viborg is ranked as the best medium-sized hospital in Denmark, Aarhus University Hospital is once again ranked as the largest and best hospital in Denmark, and lastly the Region Hospital in Silkeborg is ranked as the best smaller hospital in Denmark, writes Dagens Medicin.
“The hospitals in the Central Denmark Region have a fantastic ability to perform while under pressure. It is incredible that the staff once again manages to perform at this level, they deserve all the credit for this result. The work culture’s ability to wanting the best result is really good”, says the chairman from the Central Denmark Region, Anders Kühnau to Jyllands-Posten.
All hospitals in the Central Denmark Region uses Systematic’s electronic health record, Columna, which supports staff, patients and relatives through a citizen’s healthcare journey.
Facts about Columna Clinical Information System
Central Denmark Region:
- 18 hospitals
- 3400+ beds
- 20,000 daily users
- 2400 patients admitted per day and 5500 ambulant patients per day
- Over 25,000 medical appointments per day
- Over 40,000 test results per day
North Denmark Region:
- In the North Denmark Region, approximately 8000 clinicians use the medicine module, Columna Medication, across eight hospitals.
Region of Southern Denmark:
- In 2020, Columna replaces the Region of Southern Denmark’s current electronic health record, where there are around 2.8 million journal searches per day. Columna thereby becomes the primary tool for the Region of Southern Denmark’s approximately 22,000 doctors, nurses, secretaries and other employees at the region’s hospitals.