Social worker with tablet

    April 12, 2019

    Systematic advises on the implementation of new IT technology in the public sector


    Monitor the data volumes during the implementation phase, and listen to the employees. These were two simple but effective pieces of advise from Systematic's Brian Fisker, who was providing his input about how to conduct the successful implementation of new IT systems in Danish local government. 

    In an article on the website, Brian Fisker, Director of Health at Systematic, explains that the accumulation of data during an implementation process is an reflection of delays and choke points in the value chain. These are well worth measuring, because such so-called “data queues” can provide useful indications of where improvements can be made along the way.

    He also recommends setting up a follow-up group consisting of a broad-scoped selection of respected staff members working on the project. These key employees receive daily briefings about the project’s progress, and communicate this to the rest of the organisation.

    “A tracking group is a valuable asset, because the employees in the group have insight into the challenges that are important for their colleagues who are working with the new system,” explains Brian Fisker.

    In conjunction with the implementation of the Systematic Columna Cura electronic citizen record system in the Municipality of Copenhagen, a tracking group of 30 staff members was connected to the project during while it was being rolled out.

    32 Danish municipalities have now implemented the Columna Cura system supplied by Systematic.