To the suppliers of Systematic
ATT: Accounting
Systematic A/S's European VAT number: DK78834412
The following section contains important information regarding invoicing and the terms of payment when collaborating with Systematic A/S, Systematic Ltd, Systematic GmbH and Systematic New Zealand Ltd.
Dear valued supplier,
As part of our journey towards digitalisation, Systematic has chosen to receive invoices electronically.
Consequently, all invoices must be sent to:
The invoices must adhere to the following requirements:
- The invoice file format must be PDF.
- Only ONE invoice per PDF file.
- Any form of enclosed attachment regarding the invoice MUST be included in the PDF – we do not accept a separate attachment which does not belong to an invoice.
- All invoices must label either the requester or the purchase order specified by Systematic.
In order to become more efficient as well as providing a better, more stable payment process, it is our desire to make the terms of payment more generic for our suppliers. Therefore, as a standard, we only accept payment terms with no less than NET 30 days after the invoice date. However, if existing agreements between Systematic and a supplier state that the terms of payment may exceed NET 30 days, these agreements are to be considered valid.
In the situation that the payment conditions cannot be agreed upon, we sincerely request that a notification is sent to the email address mentioned below no later than 10 days after receiving this email.
Afterwards, we consider the payment conditions to be verified and accepted.
If you have any further questions to everything mentioned above, please do not hesitate to reach out and
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate do contact us at:
Sincerely yours
Finance, Systematic