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Integration platform - provides a clearer overview and improved efficiency

The Service Platform that Systematic has developed for KOMBIT (the joint IT operation for Danish municipalities) is a key element in the overall infrastructure for the joint municipal IT framework architecture in Denmark.

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    It requires a lot of time-consuming work for municipal employees to work with source systems that operate in a myriad of ways. 

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    An integration platform that presents data from different sources uniformly and clearly.

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    Easy and quick access to data. The solution saves time, frees up resources and supports the digitalisation of municipal case-handling.

Everyone who works with a municipal IT system appreciates how important it is to have simple and straightforward access to data. It is the key to effective problem-solving, to providing a high standard of service for citizens – and to a satisfactory working day where you feel you are being productive.

Municipal employees are required to make numerous decisions each day, decisions which are often very significant for the citizens and businesses concerned. For a citizen on sickness benefit, or for a company with employees in resource programmes, it makes a big difference whether or not the municipal case-handling is fast, reliable and based on all the available information.

Many small streams ...

The municipalities use a wide range of specialist systems (Kommunernes Ydelsessystem (municipal payment system) and Sagsoverblik/Partskontakt (which provides a joint overview of previous communication with citizens and businesses while facilitating future contact) just to name a couple, and also have to download data from numerous external systems (e.g. the Danish Customs and Tax Administration (Skat), job centres and Udbetaling Danmark (the authority responsible for the collection, disbursement and control of several public benefits). All the source systems make it necessary to have a shared platform which can present data quickly and uniformly, irrespective of source, and which enables the systems to communicate with one another.

One complete overview

The solution is the integration platform that we developed for Danish local authorities. The integration platform is the ‘main terminus’ for all the municipalities’ internal and external source systems; here, users are provided with a clear overview of and access to all the data they need. The platform thus ensures that it is simple, inexpensive and reliable to use information from many sources in the municipal case-handling systems.

Users have priority

It was an interesting and challenging task to develop the integration platform. We wanted to design a system that was as simple, logical and user-friendly as possible, and therefore the very first step was to study user requirements and daily behaviour regarding data-collection. Systems such as these must facilitate rather than complicate workflows.

Resources freed up for other tasks

The result was a platform that makes it easier for users to solve their tasks, freeing up resources for other work. The Danish municipalities and their IT suppliers are now saving many man-hours, which were previously spent feeling frustrated when searching for data, and which instead can be used for value-creating tasks for the benefit of both citizens and businesses. At the same time, the integration platform has lowered the entry barrier to the municipal IT market significantly, as it ensures easy access to key data for external players.