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Systematic digitalises corporation tax in line with new legislative requirements

The Danish Business Authority (Erhvervsstyrelsen) selected Systematic as a partner and supplier for a number of key systems, including the Central Business Register (CVR – Virksomhedsregisteret) as part of a comprehensive modernisation programme.

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    The manual processes that could no longer comply with the legislation and the Government's goal of digitalising corporate communication with the public sector.

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    A user-friendly system that ensures digital communication and better customer service. 

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    Easy access to full digital declaration of corporate tax. The system ensures that time is saved and more ressources are freed for other tasks.  

The excitement was tangible at the première of the new IT system DIAS. This was because 255,000 Danish companies now needed to declare their corporation tax digitally as part of the Danish government’s goal of digitalising corporate communication with the public sector. A change in the legislation therefore made it necessary to develop a new solution for SKAT, the Danish tax authorities, which Systematic was able to help with by developing its system DIAS (Digitalisering af Selskabsskatten – digitalisation of corporation tax).

Manual processes

Prior to the statutory requirement for digitalisation, corporation tax was largely declared manually, which created mountains of paperwork for tax staff. It also required considerable resources to process the manual declarations from companies, in addition to which there was a need to streamline workflows at the tax offices.

DIAS shows the way

DIAS provides the foundation for digitally declaring corporation tax, while also being very simple to use. In preparing the system, we were fully focused on user-friendliness, and to ensure that the system added value, users were involved through participating in workshops, among other things. This included users in a business context, but also employees at SKAT.
Corporation tax legislation is complex and constantly evolving. It was therefore essential that the system could be adapted in an administratively simple way so it could meet future legislative changes. The system was therefore built up so that it supports both existing and new legislation without requiring any major interventions.

A system that more than complies with legislative changes

The goal was to create an efficient and easy-to-use solution, which is what we achieved in the form of DIAS. The system has created an overview for users by gathering email in an electronic mailbox and enabling companies to provide information about various tax transactions digitally. However, these are not the only benefits which the system has brought. Digitalisation – and thus a simplification of the tax administration tasks – has also resulted in massive time savings at SKAT.