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Systematic wins tender for Danish municipalities’ new health insurance system

KOMBIT – the Danish municipalities’ joint IT/project organisation – has chosen Systematic to supply the new joint municipal IT solution for the administration of health insurance and registration with GPs in Danish municipalities.

Spirits were high at Systematic when KOMBIT recently announced that the software company had won the tender to supply Sygesikring – the Danish municipalities’ joint IT solution for administering health insurance and registration with GPs in the municipalities.

The solution replaces the municipal part of the old NOTUS solution from DXC, which today supports tasks related to health insurance in the Danish municipalities and regions.

In 2020, the Danish regions decided to develop their own new solution to handle inter-regional payments for services provided by GPs, consultants and other doctors. Subsequently, the municipalities have had to find a new solution for the municipal health insurance-related activities.

Ready for use by September 2022

The part being developed by Systematic supports the municipal tasks related to registration with GPs and the health insurance card. The new solution will automate several processes in the municipalities and include a self-service system that makes it possible for citizens to register with a GP, change their health insurance group, and order new health insurance cards.

As tasks relating to health insurance still involve both the regions and the municipalities, the solution must be developed in close collaboration with the regions’ health insurance system LUNA, which includes a payment system for doctors, among other things.

Sygesikring must be ready for testing in three pilot municipalities by May 2022, and for final nationwide roll-out in September 2022, and everyone at Systematic is keen to get started on the project:

“We’re thrilled at the prospect of bringing our skills and domain insights into play and delivering a user-friendly system that makes it easy for citizens to register with a GP, while providing the municipalities with an effective administrative tool. We’re already in the starting box, and pawing at the ground to get started,” says Group Senior Vice President Martin Brøchner-Mortensen from Systematic.

Easy to maintain and hand over

Systematic’s solution is intended to function in a multi-server set-up that is easy to maintain and possibly hand over to other suppliers when the contract is due for renewal in four years.

Sygesikring is an important solution for Danish citizens and municipalities, and against this background, we’re delighted that we will again be working with Systematic, which in previous IT projects has proved to be a reliable supplier,” says project manager Tom Bøgeskov from KOMBIT.

Systematic has previously supplied the joint library system Det Fælles Bibilotekssystem (FBS), which today is used at all libraries in Denmark, and Serviceplatformen, which is part of the joint municipal infrastructure that was developed in 2013 and then expanded to include many new services.

“We possess considerable in-depth knowledge of the processes at play across the municipalities and regions, and several of the IT architects and implementation experts on our team have experience of the area and with the former NOTUS solution, which Sygesikring will replace. Our solution is easy, cheap to run and maintain, and it uses the joint municipal infrastructure which the municipalities have invested in massively over the past eight years,” says senior manager Dina Raabjerg from Systematic.