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Social and healthcare assistant and citizen talks

Elderly in the Municipality of Sønderborg now only need to tell their story once

In the Municipality of Sønderborg, community care providers have a new tool at their disposal – a new electronic health record solution for ensuring that the health of each citizen and other key information is properly recorded and made available for relevant employees across different municipal departments.

At the end of February, the Municipality of Sønderborg in southern Jutland became the thirty-sixth municipality to implement the electronic care record solution Columna Cura. Developed by the Danish software company Systematic, the solution optimises documentation and coordination tasks in the municipal health, care and social services.

With the Cura app installed on a tablet, the municipality is able to ensure that everything about the citizen is documented, and that relevant information about their health and well-being can be shared by the various municipal services and staff without any data loss. Employees can easily see which tasks they need to carry out in the citizen’s home, what has already been done, and whether any special needs have to be taken into account. At the same time, the app helps the employees to perform their work and document it.

The Columna Cura suite comprises nine modules, which ensures the delivery of care services centralised around the citizen. The modules support case handling and all practical tasks relating to health, care and the social element. This includes, for example, handling assistive devices, the early detection and ranking (triage) of disease, managing housing/accommodation as well as providing information to management across the modules.

One citizen – one record in a cross-functional health record solution

“We’re thrilled to have a new electronic health record solution that supports our efforts to augment digitalisation while minimising bureaucracy. We have a solution that supports smooth and coherent working procedures for our teams, allowing them to focus on their dialogue with citizens and ensure high standards of care,” says Anette Andersen Krogh, head of staff at the Care and Development department at the Municipality of Sønderborg, who praises the employees for their commitment to using the new tool:

“The employees have played an important role in implementing the solution. It means a lot for the professionalism of our teams that Cura makes working with citizens and colleagues easier”
Anette Andersen krogh
Head of staff
Care and Development department at the Municipality of Sønderborg

The package supplied to the municipality includes the Cura ‘Mit Team’ module, which the staff use to coordinate and help each other with tasks.

“If somebody is pressed for time, they can write to the other team members and ask for help. A colleague nearby can then offer to step in. This improves collaboration while strengthening the team’s shared goal of helping citizens. At the same time, Mit Team makes it easier for team members to assess what it will take to complete all the day’s tasks, even if something unexpected crops up,” says Henrik Rosenberg Rasmussen, Account Director, Healthcare at Systematic.

He also mentions that relatives can benefit from the solution. Like the citizen, they can access Cura Dialog, where it is possible to contact the municipality, ask questions and book/cancel appointments with therapists, for example. In addition, they can hold video meetings with the municipality via Cura Dialog and be given access via the app to keep an eye on the citizen’s treatment and appointments. Another feature enables the municipality to upload videos, for example showing exercises to be done by citizens at home.

The Municipality of Sønderborg also has the Columna Cura Børn og Unge (Columna Cura Children and Young People) module at its disposal for its case handlers and other staff.


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