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Municipality of Södertälje offering all school libraries a new and user-friendly IT solution

The Municipality of Södertälje is the second municipality in the space of only a few months to choose the library system Cicero to support library users at its primary and lower secondary schools.

In autumn 2020, the Municipality of Norrköping decided to buy the library solution Cicero for all 50 school libraries in the municipality. Now, the Municipality of Södertälje is following suit, which will make it easy for school librarians, teachers and 12,000 pupils in the municipality to find and borrow materials – in the library and in the classroom.

Several of the municipality’s schools have been using Cicero for a number of years, and now the rest of the municipality’s 19 primary and lower secondary schools and 5 upper secondary schools are being invited to implement the solution.

Cicero is innovative and user-friendly, and provides a smooth transition to the digital library solution and with Cicero pupils, librarians and teachers can quickly and easily search, reserve and borrow the materials they need.

Digitalisation an advantage for pupils, teachers and librarians

The Municipality of Södertälje has a clear and ambitious digitalisation strategy that focuses on accessibility, development, competences and efficiency, and in this context Systematic’s Cicero solution was the obvious choice:

“Digitalisation is a social change which is affecting how we learn, and is helping us to create, interact, work, and communicate. School libraries play an important role in the learning ecosystem, and the task is to support learning and co-creation – regardless of time, place and platform,” says Tony Mc Carrick, digitalisation strategist at the Municipality of Södertälje.

One of Cicero’s many advantages is that the solution can be used at all the schools in the municipality, regardless of size.

“Cicero consists of different modules and this model is very flexible and adaptable to schools with different needs. We also find it important that the schools are involved in the development of the various Cicero modules. Our primary task is to make the library easily accessible, and to inspire the pupils to explore the books and material on offer,” says Pernilla Wikman, Business Developer Manager at Systematic Sweden.

Developed in collaboration with experts

Cicero is used by almost all public libraries in Denmark after a decision was made in 2015 to introduce a joint library solution for all public libraries in the country.

“Cicero gives the school libraries in Södertälje a pedagogical tool to ease the tasks. Cicero is developed in close collaboration with school librarians and experts, and is a simple tool that frees up time for pedagogical work,” she says.

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