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Systematic Headquarters in Aarhus

Annual reports

View Systematic's latest financial reports here

In our annual financial report, we disclose important monetary details for the fiscal year. It includes revenue, gross profit/loss, net financials, EBIT margin, Equity ratio and return on equity, net margin, gross margin, a consolidated balance sheet, changes in equity, a consolidated cash flow statement, CSR-policy and many other things. The report is created in collaboration with financial advisors from Deloitte and is approved by the board of Systematic. The report also comprises of a summary of our business areas which consist of Defence, Healthcare, Library & Learning, Renewables & Utilities, Intelligence & National Security and lastly digitalisation. New ventures within each business area are described and made transparent, thereby illuminating the scope of business for Systematic.

The CMMI© accreditation at level 5 is not matched by any other Scandinavian company and less than 20 IT-companies hold it in Europe. Systematic annually aims at reaching a CMMI level 5 Certification.

Despite challenging market conditions, Systematic continuously strive to increase the revenue across all our business areas. Our revenue has increased significantly on average for several years. In line with previous years, we have invested in completing key and very important milestones for our product portfolio in the Defence and Healthcare sectors. We have also invested a lot of time, money and efforts to bring our internal systems to the next level of digitalisation. This entails a new HR system, a new ERP system and modified BI-solutions: All with the intention of giving us an edge and ensuring a competitive advantage in the software market.  

At Systematic, we depend on having highly skilled and knowledgeable employees, of whom more than 70% hold an academic degree in IT, software engineering, finance or other relevant fields. We recognise the importance of having qualified and ambitious employees that can support our mission.