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Defense team showcase C4ISR expertise to international delegations
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Defense team showcase C4ISR expertise to international delegations 

Systematic have again demonstrated our world-renowned C2 expertise as one of just 30 companies invited to exhibit at a government-led exports trade fair in the UK.

Paul Fielding, the UK's SME in Joint warfare, delivered several short in-depth briefings to small groups of international delegates from across the navy, land and air services at the show organised by UK Defense and Security Exports.

These sessions highlighted the transformative capability that our Command and Control solutions can offer to forces across the world. More than 50+ countries already use SitaWare within their Armed Forces, which inlcudes NATO, 18 NATO nations and all of Five Eyes.

Booths at a defense conference

Some key features of our SitaWare Suite that were showcased included:

UAS/CUAS Integration

The integration of FMV and other sensor data feeds into the SitaWare C4ISR system provides commanders with unprecedented levels of battlespace awareness and control. This seamless integration enhances decision-making and operational efficiency.


The SitaWare Fire Support module, an add-on to our combat proven SitaWare Battle Management System, enables seamless fire support integration from forward observers to gun crews and fire support elements at all organizational levels. This unified platform offers comprehensive mission planning, execution capabilities, and enhanced situational awareness for fire support teams.

Surveillance and Intelligence Capabilities

With advanced AI tools such as Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, and Anomaly Detection, SitaWare Insight swiftly uncovers and delivers critical intelligence. This supports operations across joint, allied, and friendly forces, ensuring timely and accurate information dissemination.

Maritime Operations

SitaWare Maritime delivers advanced C4ISR capabilities, providing commanders with a detailed Recognized Maritime Picture (RMP) from above, on and below the surface. This solution supports maritime operations centres ashore, task group commanders at sea, and individual ships, ensuring interoperability with partners and cohesive C4ISR across task forces and domains.

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