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SitaWare features at Finnish Defense Forces Joint exercise

The Finnish Defense Forces employed Systematic’s SitaWare suite in support of its recent Joint C2 exercise.

Sitaware Features At Finnish Defence Forces Joint Exercise

The Finnish Defense Forces (FDF) employed Systematic’s SitaWare suite in support of its recent Joint C2 exercise, utilizing SitaWare Headquarters and SitaWare Frontline in a variety of roles. The software was among a number of products tested by the FDF during the exercise.

The software provided a Joint Common Operating Picture (JCOP) for all branches of the FDF in an operational scenario, and was also used as part of a cloud services experiment.

The JCOP delivered comprehensive situational awareness to commanders and drew data from a wide range of sources. From the Finnish Navy these included feeds from OTH-G, NFFI, and JREAP-C, Air Tasking Orders and Airspace Control Orders from the Finnish Air Force, and data from the FDF’s FINACCIS2 C2 system, which utilizes the SitaWare suite and has been widely used operationally in support of FDF commitments around the world.

FINACCIS2 includes all elements of the SitaWare suite, and provides deployed units with C2 across their area of operations, as well as reach back from theater, it also delivers situational awareness and C2 to command elements in Finland.

The cloud services experiment saw SitaWare Headquarters and SitaWare Frontline hosted in a Microsoft Azure cloud, alongside a number of Microsoft and other applications. The software functioned at battalion and company levels and was connected to a variety of data sources and a simulation system, effectively creating a ‘virtual sandbox’ in which operational scenarios could be examined.

Included in the cloud experiments was a demonstration of SitaWare Headquarters integrated with Systematic’s Columna Flow Capacity Management solution, which provides a comprehensive overview of hospital resources, status, capacity, and the number and location of patients, among other information. SitaWare Headquarters has been used widely by a number of armed forces in Europe and elsewhere in their efforts to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic and its integration with Columna Flow Capacity Management enables the planning and execution of military assistance to take place across both systems. For this demonstration data from Johns Hopkins University on incidences of COVID-19 infection was utilized.   

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