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Soldier Using Sitaware Frontline In Vehicle

SitaWare Frontline

Battle management and unmatched tactical communications for the mounted commander

SitaWare customers worldwide
users worldwide
years of experience in delivering C4ISR software

Unconditional tactical efficiency

  • Climbing Mountain Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.comclimbing-mountain
    Overcome tactical challenges

    Surmount real-world C2 challenges on the modern battlefield with clarity, simplicity, and advanced capabilities.

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    Make faster decisions

    A clear operational view assists in shortening the decision-making process in demanding situations.

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    Achieve mission success

    Efficient communication at the tactical level is imperative for successful mission accomplishment.

Video: SitaWare Frontline

The contemporary operating environment is arguably more complex than it has ever been, but one aspect of warfare that remains constant is the priority that commanders place on force protection. Explore how SitaWare Frontline delivers incomparable situational awareness and tactical efficiency on the modern battlefield with capabilities like friendly force tracking (FFT) in the video below.

SitaWare Frontline 3.0

Key benefits

On the modern battlefield, the ability to outmanoeuvre and get inside an adversary's decision-making cycle is critical to mission success. The provision of accurate, clear, and current information enables commanders to shorten the OODA loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act), ensuring that mission critical decisions are based on correct and timely intelligence.

SitaWare Frontline provides commanders with comprehensive situational awareness and friendly force tracking (FFT), along with advanced planning and geo-analysis tools, effective chat and messaging, and a host of features that ensure that the system is easy-to-use and delivers an operational advantage.

As part of the SitaWare suite, the software operates seamlessly with the other SitaWare solutions – SitaWare HeadquartersSitaWare Edge, and SitaWare Insight – as well the military messaging solutions in the IRIS suite. This provides a unified command-and-control system from the dismounted soldier through to the highest level of command and ensures that commanders at all echelons have the latest battlefield information. And by employing the SitaWare Tactical Communication (STC) protocol, you can transmit large volumes of data across the battlespace – even when experiencing limited bandwidth and in challenging conditions.

  • Cursor Target Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
    Operational advantage for mounted commanders

    Sensor integration and mission management tools bring tactical efficiency to mounted commanders.

  • Conversation Text Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
    Robust communication in challenging conditions

    Receive and share vital battlefield information in denied or degraded environments with STC.

  • 3d Video Playback Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
    Increase situational awareness with real-time video

    Combine map information with live intelligence updates and video data from drones or cameras.

  • Synchronize Arrows Triangle Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
    Optimise the OODA loop

    A clear picture of the battlespace shortens the command cycle for mounted commanders.

  • Layout 5 Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.comlayout-5
    Benefit from a fully integrated software suite

    A streamlined look-and-feel across all levels of the battlespace enhances usability and reduces training needs.

  • Expand 6 Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
    Customisable capabilities

    SitaWare Frontline is an off-the-shelf solution with an open architecture that enables external integrations.

“I know where all of my units are, where all of my vehicles are, all of the time. And I know where the enemy is when they are reported, because I can see it on my screen in almost real time.”
Mads Rasmussen
Major, Royal Danish Army
SitaWare Frontline Sales Flyer

Download flyer SitaWare Frontline – Unconditional tactical efficiency

SitaWare Frontline offers clarity, simplicity, and high performance capabilities, addressing the real-world C4ISR challenges on the modern battlefield. Learn more about how SitaWare Frontline gives the mounted commanders comprehensive situational awareness and an operational advantage.

Download the flyer to learn more about SitaWare Frontline.

Key features

Along with comprehensive situational awareness, SitaWare Frontline delivers a range of mission management and planning tools that give commanders an operational advantage. Furthermore, as part of the SitaWare suite, SitaWare Frontline is compliant with the MIL2525 for symbology and ADatP-3 messaging standards through integration with IRIS Forms, enabling information sharing with other systems, coalition partners, and NATO member countries.

Delve into some of the most important features in SitaWare Frontline in the section below. We are also more than happy to give you a live demo of SitaWare Frontline and discuss how it can benefit your organisation.

Select customers

NATO logo
UK Ministry Of Defence
New Zealand Defence Force
Swedish Armed Forces
Australian Government Department Of Defence
Latvian National Armed Forces
UME Spain
Irish Defence Forces


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