Columna Cura first out to utilise national solution for patients’ master data
As the first supplier in Denmark, Systematic’s electronic health record has now been certified by MedCom, so users of Columna Cura are first out to use and access patients’ information in Shared Master Data.
During the past two years, Systematic has been working on a solution to support a national project for shared access to patient’s master data initiated by The Danish Health Data Authority.
The national project has led to Shared Master Data, a database providing citizens and relatives with the possibility to enter personal master data such as name of closest relative, temporary address and preferred language. The data is made digitally available for healthcare personnel in both municipalities, regions and at general practitioners.
Shared Master Data ensures that healthcare personnel can easily access and update relevant information. It also provides comfort and peace of mind for patients and relatives, who can rest assured that correct information is shared between the healthcare personnel surrounding the patient during treatment.
Systematic’s electronic care record Columna Cura is the first supplier system being certified by MedCom, and now both health personnel and users of the electronic care record can access Shared Master Data directly through the system.
The certification by MedCom is a guarantee that Columna Cura meets the national demands and entails that the functionality can be used by the more than 40,000 daily users of Columna Cura.
Roll-out of Shared Master Data
To regions:
- October 2022: Capital Region of Danmark and Region Zealand
- Januar 2023: Central Denmark Region
- The North Denmark Region og the Region of Southern Denmark are awaiting the implementation of Systematic’s Electronick Health Record.
To municipalities:
- 2022: Shared Master Data will be rolled out in all municipalities during 2022
General Practitioner:
- End of 2022: The General Practitioner will be able to access Shared Master Data by the end of 2022.