Social worker using the electronic care record, Columna Cura, for documentation
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January 18, 2023

Haderslev Municipality introduces new IT system for social and senior services

Haderslev Municipality starts 2023 with a new IT system for social, health and senior services, Systematic’s Columna Cura.

After several years with the same documentation system, Haderslev Municipality now switches to Systematic's Columna Cura. The move to Cura will free up more time to use on citizens and support the documentation process for the municipality's employees in home care, residential homes and health centres as well as in nursing homes.

"With Columna Cura, Haderslev Municipality acquires a comprehensive solution that makes the work simpler for employees within the social and health sector. The system provides access to exactly the information employees need and supports them in their working day, so the focus can remain on the citizens. Cura will help provide everyone with better overviews and ensure digital collaboration across the municipality. Cura also supports Haderslev Municipality’s strategic focus on increased continuity in care at home and that the citizen’s care is carried out by the same team," says Henrik Rosenberg Rasmussen, Account Director in Healthcare at Systematic.

The implementation is slated to end mid-2023, so Haderslev Municipality can start using the solution as soon as possible. They expect to start using the solution in May, thereby setting the best framework for both the municipality's employees and citizens.


Haderslev Municipality wants to inspire other Danish municipalities

Haderslev Municipality is engaged in several strategic initiatives, all with a focus on seeing elderly care in new ways. As part of the municipality's increased focus, Haderslev Municipality, in response to a great demand from the country's other municipalities, invited other municipalities to an inspiration and knowledge day (link in Danish) focusing on three main projects: e-district, rental homes in the citizens’ own homes and the work to develop Buurtzorg-inspired and interdisciplinary home care in smaller self-managing teams. All these projects are in line with the municipality's decision to get a new journal system, Columna Cura, that eases documentation and supports the users.


A solution that supports users and helps citizens

Columna Cura is an electronic care record that combines user-friendliness and decision support in one IT solution. Columna Cura gives employees a clear and up-to-date overview of their tasks and of the citizens they are in contact with. Cura makes a complex working day more manageable and at the same time frees up time used in front of the screen. Time that can be spent with the citizens instead.

Cura further supports the citizens and their relatives in actively participating in the coordination of the care that the citizens receive. At the same time, the solution provides easy access to effective digital communication between the parties.

Want to see how Columna Cura works? Book a demo and get an insight into the many functions and features that the solution offers.

Facts about Haderslev Municipality

  • Haderslev Municipality covers more than 55,000 citizens
  • The agreement adds between 1,700-2,000 users to Cura
  • The municipality is part of the Region of Southern Denmark
  • The municipality focuses on seeing senior care in new ways at their own inspiration and knowledge day