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Slovenia invests in the future

The Slovenian Armed Forces are using a new Systematic C2 solution, which increases both speed and manoeuvrability. Learn why Slovenia chooses to use software from Systematic.

In Slovenia, the Armed Forces are using the latest C2 Systems from Systematic, SitaWare. It is the second time Slovenia has chosen C2 software from Systematic.

“We have gained speed, reliability, flexibility and a common operational picture,” says Colonel Boris Cimpric, Chief of CIS sector in General Staff of Slovenian Armed Forces.

C2 solution enables efficient radio communication 

An employee in the Slovenian Armed Forces explains the benefits in daily work. “We have a lot of different radios. Before our new C2 solution, they could not communicate with each other. Now, with this software, all radios are connected, which has made us more effective and increased safety.”

“We have gained speed, reliability, flexibility, and a common operational picture.”
Colonel, Boris Cimpric
Chief of CIS sector, Slovenian Armed Forces

"We didn’t exactly know what we needed"

Slovenia is a long-term partner of Systematic. “In the beginning, we didn’t exactly know what we needed. We knew, we wanted a reliable command and control system, and Systematic understood us. They were very patient and to be honest, I would have given up, but they kept coming back with solutions even though we at that point didn’t have all our priorities sorted out,” Colonel Boris Cimpric explains.

Trust is the foundation

Military person pointing at a phone with SitaWare software

Today, Slovenia is using a modern C2 software, which has increased the efficiency of the Slovenian Armed Forces. “We optimise the resources we have and at the same time increase safety for our personnel,” Colonel Boris Cimpric points out.

To Slovenia, one thing in particular has been important in choosing a supplier of C2 software: Trust. “We don’t have the capabilities to test everything ourselves and have to trust our supplier to deliver a reliable solution, which meets our needs,” says Colonel Boris Cimpric.

Another key element that plays a role in Slovenia’s choice of C2 software from Systematic is vision. “CEO Michael Holm has a vision, which goes beyond making software. He wants to make a difference. Furthermore, Systematic is not too big and can be flexible, which is crucial in building the right solution,” says Colonel Boris Cimpric.

Part of the SitaWare community

Slovenia is one of a growing number of nations using SitaWare; the most modern C2 software currently available and Colonel Boris Cimpric was responsible for implementation of the original Systematic C2 system for the Slovenian Armed Forces for operational use.

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