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Sweden uses SitaWare to improve efficiency

In Sweden, SitaWare from Systematic is being used during operational training where it connects and keeps track of communication and data across lots of units in different locations. Learn more with CPT Peter Lindskog, Swedish Armed Forces.

The right data at the right time at the right place increases the quality of staff training exercises. In Sweden, SitaWare is used in multidimensional, multifunctional, and multinational exercises.

“SitaWare enables us to communicate faster and easier.”
Captain, Peter Lindskog
Swedish Armed Forces

VIKING 18 Exercise

Sweden will use the SitaWare Suite for the next edition of the distributed computer-assisted (CAX) command post exercise (CPX) VIKING in 2018, involving 2,500 participants - 15 % of which are civilians. The exercise includes participants from 50 countries and 90 organizations such as the Red Cross, Save the Children and the World Food Programme.

Connecting exercise sites around the world

The exercise will be conducted from three sites in Sweden and about seven sites in the rest of the world. Everyone needing to communicate and everyone linked with software from Systematic.

“We use SitaWare in international exercises from several sites around the world. Participating nations with their own C2 system will exchange information via a standard formats like AdatP-3, Link16, and NFFI. Nations without their own C2 will use SitaWare to produce graphical tactical pictures and distribute the commanders’ intent,” CPT Peter Lindskog explains. Moreover, the Swedish Armed Forces use simulators to produce data that SitaWare uses to create operational pictures, both perceived- and ground truths. 

A Common Operational Picture

“This gives us a common operational picture for the exercise directing staff to use and gives the exercising forces more clarity on where everyone is and what they are doing,” he adds.

Peter’s primary focus is to create an information system concept to improve efficiency in staff training events, where few are training many.

Gaining speed and manoeurability

"SitaWare enables us to communicate faster and easier,” CPT Peter Lindskog points out. He adds that speed, manoeuvrability and safety are among the benefits that the Swedish Armed Forces gain.

“Systematic understands our needs. They listen and follow up, which is important to us. We work in a dynamic environment with changing needs and challenges, which means we need a flexible supplier with reliable products,” he concludes.

“Systematic understands our needs. They listen and follow up, which is important to us. We work in a dynamic environment with changing needs and challenges, which means we need a flexible supplier with reliable products.”
Captain, Peter Lindskog
Swedish Armed Forces

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