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Systematic’s board weighs anchor in Ireland

Systematic’s Board of Directors swapped their desks for decks when they experienced how the Irish Navy uses SitaWare and IRIS to coordinate multi-domain operations.

The six members of the board, along with associated colleagues, coincided a visit to the Service with their quarterly in-person board meeting.

They spent a day at the Haulbowline Naval Base in Cork, Ireland where they received a tour of the Naval Operations Centre and stepped on board offshore patrol ship LÉ George Bernard Shaw.

This gave the directors the opportunity to understand first-hand how the navy uses SitaWare on its vessels to coordinate operations across the whole of the Defence Forces of Ireland – as the navy, air corps and army all use the C4ISR software.

Multi-domain operations

UK Vice President James Hamilton said: “This was an important visit by the board for us to understand how they are using SitaWare on their ships to enable multi-domain operations.

“Some of the hugely helpful feedback we received included the value the Irish Navy places on having a single situational awareness C2 software across the entire force.

“They also described the Joint Common Operating Picture as an evolution and revolution for the way it connects all the forces within an operation.”

He added that one of the ways in which the navy explained how they make the best use of the software is to encourage creativity with the product’s functionality and integration from all ranks – and incentivise this by subsequently rewarding that innovation.

Systematic CEO Michael Holm experiences how the Irish Navy use SitaWare for multi-domain operations

SitaWare Suite

Implementation of the SitaWare Suite has ranged from the force’s helicopter patrol and offshore patrol vessels, down to rigid hull inflatable boats (RHIBs) used for boarding. Last year the Service also announced plans to fit its four Pilatus PC-12NG aircraft with SitaWare Headquarters and SitaWare Frontline, and this is now in operational use.

Three of the aircraft are configured as SPECTRE platforms, providing an advanced Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) picture to the Defence Forces. A fourth aircraft is configured as a utility platform.

The SitaWare Suite will also be integrated on two Airbus C295 Persuader aircraft that are due to enter service with the Irish Air Corps in March 2023, with these platforms primarily focusing on maritime patrol duties.


For more information please contact Defence Communications Manager Samantha Chapman at samantha.chapman@systematic.com 


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