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Columna Cura Mit Team

The solution that allows small established teams to manage their working day and handle unforeseen events

The Columna Cura Mit Team solution enables small teams to solve core community care tasks through cross-functional collaboration. 
Mit Team makes it easy to coordinate and adjust the plan for the day together. It makes collaboration more flexible for the individual employee, while making efficient use of the team members’ different skills and resources. Mit Team contributes to increased job satisfaction for employees and a greater sense of continuity for citizens, who are able to build stronger relations with just a few rather than a whole host of care providers. 

Mit Team supports small, established teams and their way of working.   
Employees are able to:  

  • help a colleague with the day’s tasks  
  • ask other team members for help if pressed for time  
  • ensure that continuity, skills and distance are taken into account. 

Mit Team – a helping hand

Mit Team optimises use of the combined resources of team members by giving priority to continuity, skills and time spent with the citizen – rather than travelling time. 

  • Multiple Neutral 1 Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
    Decisions are made by the team

    Team members can easily see if a colleague needs help – and if they are able to assist.

  • Support 1 Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
    Familiar faces enhance peace of mind

    The solution shows whether the employee knows the citizen. A familiar face means continuity and greater peace of mind.

  • Conversation Text Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
    Improved possibilities for coordination

    Employees are assisted in making the right choices through displaying the skills required for a particular task.

Independent coordination and help to solve tasks

In most municipalities, employees normally have to report back to their coordinator if changes need to be made to the home visits scheduled for the day. With Mit Team, this is no longer necessary. Employees are able to claim tasks without involving a coordinator, and can even offer help to a colleague should the need arise. 
This supports team collaboration and the goal of helping citizens in a way that focuses on the citizen-employee relationship.  

Mit Team also makes it easier for members of small established teams to assess what it will take for them to complete their tasks for the day, even when something unexpected crops up.

Job satisfaction among employees rubs off on citizen well-being

Citizens feel that they are in safe hands when they are being looked after by people they know. They do not need to explain their situation as often and tell new employees what sort of help they need.  Employees enjoy higher levels of job satisfaction when they belong to a team where everyone is able to help each other. Higher job satisfaction among employees also has a positive bearing on citizen well-being.   

The members of the team are best able to decide how tasks should be carried out. By being able to see exactly what is required of them, the employees can make decisions quickly based on the following parameters:  

  • Efficiency (as much time as possible with citizens rather than spending time on the road or behind a desk)   
  • Citizen security (am I the right person for this task?)   
  • Continuity (have I visited the citizen in the past 14 days?)   

Mit Team: When ‘I’ becomes ‘we’

Mit Team is the tool that takes over when the plan for the day is upset by unforeseen events. The solution helps if plans start to slip, and the team has to fit in an extra task while also factoring in continuity, skills and distances. It makes it easier for employees to work in self-managed teams and to ensure that they get everything done. ‘I’ becomes ‘we’ in Mit Team, where everyone works together to solve the task. 

Team members can reach out to each other if they are pressed for time, or to offer a helping hand to a colleague. It gives the individual employee the peace of mind required to focus on the citizen’s needs. This enhances job satisfaction for the team and well-being for the citizen.  

Healthcare assistant using a tablet

Joint development project: Mit Team developed together with the Municipality of Syddjurs

Mit Team has been developed together with the Municipality of Syddjurs in Central Denmark Region as part of the innovation project ‘More dignified care for the elderly’ in 2021. The project focused on developing community care for senior citizens which ensures that those requiring assistance feel that their needs are being acknowledged and met with the right level of attention and care.

Mit Team is the extra layer that ensures daily coordination

Columna Cura is still the employees’ primary documentation tool, while CuraPlan is the organisational tool that helps with future planning and preparing basic plans for employees engaged in community care.   

Mit Team supplements Cura and CuraPlan by making it easier for the employees themselves to handle daily ad hoc planning when plans change – for example if it turns out that citizens need more or less help than the time that has been allocated.  

Based on their shared list, team members can make the best decisions about who should visit a particular citizen rather than it being centrally planned in CuraPlan.    

All data from Mit Team is forwarded to Cura and CuraPlan, ensuring complete transparency for everyone who needs to see the citizen’s journal.

Interested in hearing more about Mit Team and seeing results from other local authorities?

Contact Rikke Terp, implementation consultant at Systematic and a Mit Team project manager. Rikke trained as a nurse, and has worked as a district nurse in the City of Aarhus. She is ready to tell you all about Mit Team.  

Email: rikke.terp@systematic.com 

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