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Teenager talks to social worker

Book 30 minutes for a talk about the B&U module with implementation consultant Thomas Søndberg

Would you like to hear more about how the B&U module can help you ensure continuity in the transition from child to adult?

Book 30 minutes with our implementation consultant, Thomas Søndberg, to learn more about how the B&U module can help those working with children and young adults collaborate more effectively.

Here’s what you’ll get: 

  • An informal chat with Thomas, who was involved in the development of the B&U module.
  • Concrete examples of what the B&U module can do for users' and citizens' needs. 
  • Opportunity to ask questions and clarify how the B&U module can fit into your daily life.

Fill out the form below to be contacted by us.

Meet our Children and Youth experts

The B&U module has been developed in close collaboration with our specialised domain experts, who directly integrate the challenges faced by municipalities into the solution's development. Here are three experienced specialists who have been involved from the beginning.

Thomas Søndberg - Implementation Consultant
+15 years of leadership experience in the public sector, focusing on vulnerable young people and adults.
Christina Zakrisson Systematic
Christina Zakrisson - Product Manager
+9 years of experience with Columna Cura - has been part of Systematic since 2013.
Brian Fisker, Vice President
Brian Fisker - Vice President
+9 years of experience with Columna Cura - has been part of Systematic since 2005.

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