Digitally interconnected sectors
Columna Axon serves as a digital bridge between sectors, bringing peace of mind and coherence to the overall treatment process.
Cross-sector data sharing ensures better treatment and more coherent patient flows
Columna Axon brings coherence to the Danish healthcare system by ensuring sectors are digitally connected. The system makes sharing current and relevant patient data easy and efficient for healthcare staff in municipalities, regions and general practitioners.
When the nurse at the hospital, the community care provider in the municipality and the doctor all have the same up-to-date information, citizens experience a more secure and coherent service.
They no longer need to remember and pass on information about their state of health themselves, as the necessary information is automatically shared between relevant professionals.
This ensures better quality of treatment and greater efficiency. Professionals spend less time clarifying queries about medication or functional capacity, for example, ensuring more focused treatment and care, reducing the risk of errors, and ultimately improving peace of mind for citizens and confidence in the healthcare system.
Columna Axon:
- Creates coherent cross-sector patient flows
- Removes responsibility from citizens for communicating information about their own state of health throughout the health sector
- Improves the quality and efficiency of treatment, care and nursing
- Prevents unnecessary readmissions
Easy access to essential data improves continuity of treatment
Columna Axon gives the various professionals an overview of a citizen’s current situation via electronic care and health records.
The information shown is tailored to the role and responsibilities of the specific employee, so only relevant and up-to-date information from the past few days is displayed.
This means that nurses, community care providers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists or general practitioners only see the information they actually need on any particular occasion.
In other words, this solution makes it quick and easy to access up-to-date, critical and relevant data. This is especially relevant in situations of citizens either being transferred between different healthcare players or receiving treatment involving close collaboration between different healthcare players.
Successful pilot project between region and municipality
Everyday life for healthcare professionals
At present, digital assistance for patient insight is not available to any of the three categories of healthcare professionals, but Columna Axon would provide that.
She receives an elderly patient who looks unwell and seems dazed. She needs to know the patient’s current state of health to best assess what further treatment is needed. In order to plan and provide the best treatment, she requires insight into what has been happening most recently with their community care.
But that is not possible at present.
She visits a citizen with heart problems who has just come home from the hospital for hospital-at-home services. The citizen complains of pains, and the district nurse wants to know what happened at the hospital before discharge. It is essential to know if the citizen received pain medication before discharge, and when they can be given the medication again.
But that is not possible at present.
Having not seen a particular patient for a long time, they come in complaining of back pain, but the doctor cannot remember exactly what the physiotherapist has implemented. She would like up-to-date knowledge on treatment already commenced to best determine the next step.
But that is not possible at present.
Columna Axon prevents readmissions
Easy access to citizens’ health data at all times gives healthcare professionals better scope to focus on the whole person and provide continuity of treatment and care.
It can ultimately reduce the risk of a citizen being readmitted to hospital, since all healthcare professionals involved in the case have the necessary information to deliver relevant and timely care and treatment.
It’s a win-win. Columna Axon is the best digital aid we have had for nursing for a long time.”
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