CIS domains
Columna CIS is an electronic patient record that streamlines workflows and simplifies the documentation of patients’ treatment pathways. The system operates with all the main solutions using open standards such as HL7 v2 and HL7 FHIR. At the same time, Columna CIS supports MedCom’s messaging standard, for example reporting to national databases such as the Danish National Patient Register.
The system’s highly structured content can easily be integrated with other solutions, as customers can model content and define data models themselves in Columna CIS. This creates the possibility of journaling data from relevant third parties which can be available in the medical staff’s workflows.
The features of Columna CIS create a complete and integrated digital workplace for users and help make everyday life easier for hospital staff.
Clinical Record contains resources for doing clinical documentation in the patients record, e.g., general documentation, vital values, scores, observations, laboratory results, etc.
- ColumnaActivityRequest (HL7 FHIR)
- ColumnaActivityResult (HL7 FHIR)
- ColumnaActivityExecution (HL7 FHIR)
- ColumnaAdministrativeProcedure (HL7 FHIR)
- ColumnaAllergyIntolerance (HL7 FHIR)
- ColumnaArchiveDocument (HL7 FHIR)
- ColumnaCareTeam (HL7 FHIR)
- ColumnaDiagnosis (HL7 FHIR)
- ColumnaDiagnosticReport (HL7 FHIR)
- Imaging Service Result (HL7 v2)
- Imaging Service Status (HL7 v2)
- Observation Query (HL7 v2)
- Out-going Observation Reporting (HL7 v2)
- In-coming Observation Reporting (HL7 v2)
- Generic Order Information (SOAP)
- Generic Report Information (SOAP)
Organisation contains supporting ressources such as practitioner, organisation and location.
- ColumnaLocation (HL7 FHIR)
- ColumnaOrganization (HL7 FHIR)
- ColumnaPractitioner (HL7 FHIR)
Patient Administration contains resources for administrative documentation, e.g., episode of care, encounters, health issues, referals, etc.
- ColumnaEncounter (HL7 FHIR)
- ColumnaEpisodeOfCare (HL7 FHIR)
- ColumnaHealthIssue (HL7 FHIR)
- ColumnaIncomingReferralRequest (HL7 FHIR)
- ColumnaPatient (HL7 FHIR)
- ColumnaPreviousEpisodeOfCare (HL7 FHIR)
- Admission, Discharge and Transfer (HL7 v2)
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