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Columna Cura Dialog

The solution that provides citizens with greater control over their own course of treatment

Cura Dialog is an intuitive communication platform that improves collaboration between citizens and municipalities. The platform provides citizens with greater insight into and co-responsibility in their course of treatment, allowing them to participate actively in decision-making while improving close dialogue with the municipality. 

In Denmark, the focus is on creating a citizen-centred and cohesive healthcare system. Municipalities face challenges such as appointment no-shows and inefficient communication with citizens.

Cura Dialog addresses these issues by ensuring citizens have access to their municipal electronic care record, Columna Cura, where they can get an overview of services, appointments, and courses. The platform allows citizens to reschedule appointments and record measurements independently, giving them increased control over their course of treatment.

With Cura Dialog the citizen becomes an active partner in their course of treatment and is able to: 

  • get an overview of appointments and personally cancel, book or reschedule. 
  • view assigned services and assistive devices.
  • communicate with the municipal staff via chat and video meetings.
  • record own health measurements, such as pulse, blood pressure or blood sugar.

Citizen involvement creates a sense of security

The more information and overview a citizen has, the greater the likelihood they will feel safe and at ease throughout their course of treatment. Close dialogue and the involvement of relatives and volunteers help the citizens become active participants, enabling them to take responsibility and stay informed.

  • Multiple Neutral 1 Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com

    When booking an appointment, the citizen can choose staff, which ensures coherence in the course.

  • Support 1 Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com

    Involvement of relatives and an overview of appointments and aids increase the sense of security.

  • Mobile Phone Call Forwarding Outgoing 1 Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com

    The citizen can plan appointments and contact staff via a chat function whenever convenient.

Cura Dialog ensures an overview for the municipality and employees

When citizens book their appointments themselves, administration and cancellations are reduced. Citizens are more likely to remember their appointments when they have booked themselves, and with Cura Dialog, cancellations can be made 24/7.

Video meetings via VDX reduce travel time and increase flexibility. Rehabilitation staff can share instructions through videos, which makes rehabilitation easier. Furthermore, citizens can use the chat function at all hours of the day to contact the municipality whenever it suits them.

Finally, incorporating relatives who consented to use Cura Dialog on behalf of the citizen is a significant benefit, as they become active participants in the course of treatment.

Statistics show that regular reminders before appointments reduce the number of unsuccessful home visits from home care staff, cancellations, and no-shows and increase course attendance.

Cura Dialog provides citizens with a complete overview, whether they are a 24-year-old student recovering from a knee operation or a retired 78-year-old who’s had an unlucky fall. Through its close integration with Columna Cura, the app provides an overview of options and content for both citizens and their relatives.

Part of a shared solution

Cura Dialog works automatically with the rest of the Columna Cura suite. Data registered in the Cura Dialog application is included in the citizen's care record. When a citizen writes a message or applies for a new appointment, a task is automatically created in Cura. This integration ensures a more coherent work procedure, as everything occurs in one solution.

The municipalities themselves decide what type of data the citizens are able to see in Cura Dialog and which possibilities they have for registering information and communication possibilities with the municipality.

Want to know more about Cura Dialog?

Reach out to Christina Zakrisson, Product Manager at Systematic. Christina has more than 9 years of experience with Columna Cura and has been with Systematic since 2013.

She’s ready to have a chat with you about Cura Dialog.

Mail: christina.zakrisson@systematic.com

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